3 Helpful Impromptu Tips

Michael Gibson
4 min readJul 27, 2021

Have you ever wished for impromptu tips as you stood up to address a group?

“And now Mike is going to share some information about the progress at the Children’s Home Project.”

I will never forget that moment. I was not expecting it. There was no warning. An audience was ready to hear from me. Was I ready to speak? It didn’t matter. I was up. My mind was spinning as I made my way to the front.

Have you experienced something similar?

“I was put on the spot.”

“They called on me out of the blue.”

“I thought, ‘Who? Me?’”

“My mind was racing as I stood to speak.”

“Ok. Here goes nothing!”

“It was terrifying.”

These are common responses to the sudden need for an impromptu speech.

By definition, an impromptu speech is delivered without planning, organization, or rehearsal… but it doesn’t have to be totally impromptu. There are some things you can keep in mind that will allow you to quickly plan and organize your thoughts — even when the speech was not on your agenda.

Here are three helpful impromptu tips.

Impromptu tip: try not to look surprised. Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash




Michael Gibson

Michael Gibson is a speaker, trainer, and instructional designer. His book, Big Presentations in Small Rooms, is available at Amazon.